The Reaction 70Ge(alpha,gamma)74Se (p-process)
Zs. Fueloep, A.Z. Kiss, E. Somorjai, C.E. Rolfs, H.P. Trautvetter, T. Rauscher,
H. Oberhummer;
    Proc. "Nuclei in the Cosmos III", Assergi 1994, AIP Conference Proc. 327, 
    eds. M. Busso, R.  Gallino, C.M. Raiteri (AIP Press, New York 1995), p. 277.

The cross section of the reaction $^{70}$Ge($\alpha$,$\gamma$)$^{74}$Se
is measured in the bombarding energy range of 4.90$<$$E_{\alpha}$$<$7.53 MeV.
The experimental $S$--factor values are in good agreement with
theoretical calculations.
Reaction rates for the inverse $(\gamma,\alpha)$ reaction are determined.