Welcome to my personal website! Here I present some facts about myself and my life. In addition to this site I have another one presenting scientific results and aimed at the science community (see also “External Links” in the sidebar). The main pages of this web site can be accessed through the menu above. Some interesting external links can also be found in the sidebar for fast navigation.
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My reference book and textbook Essentials of Nucleosynthesis and Theoretical Nuclear Astrophysics (AAS-IOP book series) is directly available as ebook or printed from the online bookstore of IOP Publishing and from your favourite bookstore (errata).
Occupied by the whirl of business and objects, everyone consumes his own life, always anxious about what will happen, and bored with what one has got. The person who instead dedicates each instant of his time to his own growth, who arranges each day as an entire life, neither waits hopefully for the future, nor fears it.
— Seneca